Author Topic: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST  (Read 592 times)

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Offline ariy

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2017, 11:41:48 AM »
Я Вам написав відповіді біржі  і ...

I wrote to you the exchange responses and ...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:15:41 PM by HunchbackCrypto »

Offline Stouse49

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2017, 07:03:32 AM »
I have experienced the same thing sending from Cryptopia and sending to Cryptopia as well as sending to other addresses.

Offline HunchbackCrypto

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2017, 12:13:56 PM »
сьогодні Ви зможете мені відправити коіни(Fastcoins) на рахунок...?

Today you can send me the fastcoins to the account ...?
Hello Ariy,
Thank you for your reply, please note we are currently investigating this situation that you have reported.  To summarize, it appears from the information you have provided there was a transaction processing issue from your Cryptopia FastCoin wallet to the LiveCoin FastCoin wallet.  If this is the case, further investigation will need to be performed on the FastCoin wallet that is in Cryptopia’s possession.  As soon as we have more information we will post back on this forum.

Thank you again for your patience as we work to resolve this problem


Привіт Арію,
Дякуємо за вашу відповідь, зверніть увагу, що ми зараз досліджуємо цю ситуацію, про яку ви повідомили. Підбиваючи підсумок, з наданої вами інформації з'являється проблема з обробкою транзакцій з кошика Cryptopia FastCoin до кобури LiveCoin FastCoin. Якщо це так, слід провести подальше розслідування на кошику FastCoin, який знаходиться у володінні Cryptopia. Як тільки ми отримали додаткову інформацію, ми розмістимо його на цьому форумі.

Ще раз спасибі за терпіння, коли ми працюємо над вирішенням цієї проблеми


Pryvit Ariyu,
Dyakuyemo za vashu vidpovidʹ, zvernitʹ uvahu, shcho my zaraz doslidzhuyemo tsyu sytuatsiyu, pro yaku vy povidomyly. Pidbyvayuchy pidsumok, z nadanoyi vamy informatsiyi z'yavlyayetʹsya problema z obrobkoyu tranzaktsiy z koshyka Cryptopia FastCoin do kobury LiveCoin FastCoin. Yakshcho tse tak, slid provesty podalʹshe rozsliduvannya na koshyku FastCoin, yakyy znakhodytʹsya u volodinni Cryptopia. Yak tilʹky my otrymaly dodatkovu informatsiyu, my rozmistymo yoho na tsʹomu forumi.

Shche raz spasybi za terpinnya, koly my pratsyuyemo nad vyrishennyam tsiyeyi problemy

« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:16:54 PM by HunchbackCrypto »

Offline HunchbackCrypto

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2017, 12:34:44 PM »
I have experienced the same thing sending from Cryptopia and sending to Cryptopia as well as sending to other addresses.
Thank you Stouse49 for your post on the FastCoin BitcoinTalk thread with the following...

"If there were stuck transactions, they might have been in the mempool for a while and they might be in the original wallet file.  If you post or send the tx id to me, I can see if it was in the original wallet file.  But it will take up to several days for me to figure it out.  If you could get the transaction id, and then use the debug console to run the "gettransaction [txid]" command, that output will help me find it faster.  This action will in no way guarantee that you will get your coins back."

This may be a helpful clue to understand what may be going on here with potential transactions not processing correctly.

Question for Ariy,

Did you try to send and or recieve coin's to the wallet in question since this incident occured?

Best Regards


Дякую вам Stouse49 для вашого повідомлення на потоці FastCoin BitcoinTalk з наступним ...

"Якщо були застрягли транзакції, вони, можливо, були на час деякого часу, і вони можуть бути у вихідному файлі кошика. Якщо ви публікуєте або надішліть мені ідентифікатор tx, я бачу, чи це було в оригіналі Файл кошика.Але мені це буде потрібно, щоб зрозуміти це.Что міг би отримати ідентифікатор транзакції, а потім за допомогою консолі налагодження запустити команду gettransaction [txid], цей вихід допоможе мені знайти його Швидше. Ця акція ні в якій мірі не гарантує, що ти повернеш свої монети ". [/ I]

Це може бути корисним підказкою, щоб зрозуміти, що може відбуватися тут, з можливими транзакціями, які не обробляються належним чином.

Питання для Арія,

Ви спробували відправити та / або отримати монету до відповідного гаманця з часу виникнення цього інциденту?

З найкращими побажаннями


Dyakuyu vam Stouse49 dlya vashoho povidomlennya na pototsi FastCoin BitcoinTalk z nastupnym ...

"Yakshcho buly zastryahly tranzaktsiyi, vony, mozhlyvo, buly na chas deyakoho chasu, i vony mozhutʹ buty u vykhidnomu fayli koshyka. Yakshcho vy publikuyete abo nadishlitʹ meni identyfikator tx, ya bachu, chy tse bulo v oryhinali Fayl koshyka.Ale meni tse bude potribno, shchob zrozumity tse.Chto mih by otrymaty identyfikator tranzaktsiyi, a potim za dopomohoyu konsoli nalahodzhennya zapustyty komandu gettransaction [txid], tsey vykhid dopomozhe meni znayty yoho Shvydshe. Tsya aktsiya ni v yakiy miri ne harantuye, shcho ty povernesh svoyi monety ". [/ I]

Tse mozhe buty korysnym pidkazkoyu, shchob zrozumity, shcho mozhe vidbuvatysya tut, z mozhlyvymy tranzaktsiyamy, yaki ne obroblyayutʹsya nalezhnym chynom.

Pytannya dlya Ariya,

Vy sprobuvaly vidpravyty ta / abo otrymaty monetu do vidpovidnoho hamantsya z chasu vynyknennya tsʹoho intsydentu?

Z naykrashchymy pobazhannyamy

« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:37:10 PM by HunchbackCrypto »

Offline ariy

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2017, 12:53:14 PM »
так я після цього ще двічі відправляв з цього гаманця fastcoins  і все було добре...і

Offline HunchbackCrypto

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2017, 01:13:11 PM »
так я після цього ще двічі відправляв з цього гаманця fastcoins  і все було добре...і

So after that I sent two fastcoins from this purse and everything was fine ... and
Thank you for the update Ariy,

So, to confirm, you sent two FastCoin’s from the Wallet in question at Cryptopia and were able to recover your missing FastCoins?


Дякую за оновлення Ariy,

Отже, щоб підтвердити, ви надіслали дві "FastCoin" з відповідного гаманця в Cryptopia і змогли відновити відсутні FastCoins?


Dyakuyu za onovlennya Ariy,

Otzhe, shchob pidtverdyty, vy nadislaly dvi "FastCoin" z vidpovidnoho hamantsya v Cryptopia i zmohly vidnovyty vidsutni FastCoins?


Offline ariy

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2017, 09:03:43 PM »
ні...Fastcoins до мене не дійшли...але настуаны операціїї із Fastcoins - здійснились.... а от 134 781.93297886 FST до мене так і не прийшли...!!!!
 я правильно розумію...- Ви не збираєтесь повертати мені мої 134 781.93297886 FST?

Offline HunchbackCrypto

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2017, 03:05:58 AM »
ні...Fastcoins до мене не дійшли...але настуаны операціїї із Fastcoins - здійснились.... а от 134 781.93297886 FST до мене так і не прийшли...!!!!
 я правильно розумію...- Ви не збираєтесь повертати мені мої 134 781.93297886 FST?

No ... Fastcoins did not reach me ... but the nastyans of the operation with Fastcoins - were fulfilled .... but from 134 781.93297886 FST did not come to me ... !!!!
 I understand correctly ...- Are you going to return my 134 781.93297886 FST?
Hello Ariy,

Thank you for your reply.  Before we can continue further, we will need for you to understand the following...

We (The FastCoin Foundation, and or Open Source FST Community) have no control over how you wish to spend or send your FastCoin's (FST).  Please also note, that no one to our knowledge has stolen anyting, from anyone.  Our coin, very much like Bitcoin is an open sourced iniative with NO central issueing authority or control over your coins.  A community memeber (almightyruler) from the Bitcoin talk Forum had this to say...

"Were the funds actually sent from the "FastCoin Foundation", or by an unrelated third party like an exchange? If it's the latter, there's no way for anyone to intercept or reverse your transaction as there is no central authority controlling FST. This feature underpins just about all Bitcoin-derived cryptocurrency.

At a guess, it's a large/complex transaction that isn't being accepted by miners for some reason. Perhaps the same issue that Stouse49 has been experiencing."

It is our understanding that your wallet transfer took place from one Exchange, Cryptopia to another Livecoin with no phsyical wallet in your possession.  Many things may have taken place here which could have caused your problem as community memeber "almightyruler" suggests.

We are doing our best to understand and help you with your problem, but there is no point in continuing the dialog with you if you think that someone from our open source community is delibertly trying to steal your coins.



Привіт Арію,

Дякую за вашу відповідь. Перш ніж ми зможемо продовжувати далі, нам потрібно, щоб ви зрозуміли наступне ...

Ми (Фонд FastCoin та або FST спільнота з відкритим кодом) не маємо контролю над тим, як ви хочете витратити або відправити свій FastCoin's (FST). Також зауважте, що ніхто, хто знає наші знання, нікого не вкрав. Наша монета, дуже схожа на біткойн, - це відкритий джерело, в якому ніякі центральні повноваження випускати чи контролювати ваші монети. Це було сказати співрозмовнику спільноти (альматеїлюр) з форуму Talk Bitcoin ...


"Чи були фактично відправлені кошти від Фонду FastCoin або незалежної третьої сторони, подібно до обміну? Якщо це останнє, нікому неможливо перехопити або скасувати вашу транзакцію, оскільки відсутня центральна Орган, що контролює FST. Ця функція є основою для майже всієї криптовалюти, отриманої на основі біткойн.

На мій погляд, це велика / складна транзакція, яка чомусь не приймається гірниками. Можливо, те саме питання, що стосувався "Stouse49". "[/ I]

Наше розуміння полягає в тому, що ваш переказ кошечок здійснювався з однієї біржі, Cryptopia до іншого Livecoin без фіктивного кошика у вашому розпорядженні. Тут було багато речей, які могли б спричинити вашу проблему, як належить до меморандуму громади "всемогутній тиск".

Ми робимо все можливе, щоб зрозуміти і допомогти вам у вирішенні вашої проблеми, але немає сенсу продовжувати діалог з вами, якщо ви вважаєте, що хтось з нашої спільноти з відкритим кодом сміливо намагається вкрасти ваші монети.

З повагою


Pryvit Ariyu,

Dyakuyu za vashu vidpovidʹ. Persh nizh my zmozhemo prodovzhuvaty dali, nam potribno, shchob vy zrozumily nastupne ...

My (Fond FastCoin ta abo FST spilʹnota z vidkrytym kodom) ne mayemo kontrolyu nad tym, yak vy khochete vytratyty abo vidpravyty sviy FastCoin's (FST). Takozh zauvazhte, shcho nikhto, khto znaye nashi znannya, nikoho ne vkrav. Nasha moneta, duzhe skhozha na bitkoyn, - tse vidkrytyy dzherelo, v yakomu niyaki tsentralʹni povnovazhennya vypuskaty chy kontrolyuvaty vashi monety. Tse bulo skazaty spivrozmovnyku spilʹnoty (alʹmateyilyur) z forumu Talk Bitcoin ...


"Chy buly faktychno vidpravleni koshty vid Fondu FastCoin abo nezalezhnoyi tretʹoyi storony, podibno do obminu? Yakshcho tse ostannye, nikomu nemozhlyvo perekhopyty abo skasuvaty vashu tranzaktsiyu, oskilʹky vidsutnya tsentralʹna Orhan, shcho kontrolyuye FST. Tsya funktsiya ye osnovoyu dlya mayzhe vsiyeyi kryptovalyuty, otrymanoyi na osnovi bitkoyn.

Na miy pohlyad, tse velyka / skladna tranzaktsiya, yaka chomusʹ ne pryymayetʹsya hirnykamy. Mozhlyvo, te same pytannya, shcho stosuvavsya "Stouse49". "[/ I]

Nashe rozuminnya polyahaye v tomu, shcho vash perekaz koshechok zdiysnyuvavsya z odniyeyi birzhi, Cryptopia do inshoho Livecoin bez fiktyvnoho koshyka u vashomu rozporyadzhenni. Tut bulo bahato rechey, yaki mohly b sprychynyty vashu problemu, yak nalezhytʹ do memorandumu hromady "vsemohutniy tysk".

My robymo vse mozhlyve, shchob zrozumity i dopomohty vam u vyrishenni vashoyi problemy, ale nemaye sensu prodovzhuvaty dialoh z vamy, yakshcho vy vvazhayete, shcho khtosʹ z nashoyi spilʹnoty z vidkrytym kodom smilyvo namahayetʹsya vkrasty vashi monety.

Z povahoyu

« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 03:13:30 AM by HunchbackCrypto »

Offline ariy

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2017, 11:18:10 AM »
ні...Fastcoins до мене не дійшли...але настуаны операціїї із Fastcoins - здійснились.... а от 134 781.93297886 FST до мене так і не прийшли...!!!!
 я правильно розумію...- Ви не збираєтесь повертати мені мої 134 781.93297886 FST?

No ... Fastcoins did not reach me ... but the nastyans of the operation with Fastcoins - were fulfilled .... but from 134 781.93297886 FST did not come to me ... !!!!
 I understand correctly ...- Are you going to return my 134 781.93297886 FST?
Hello Ariy,

Thank you for your reply.  Before we can continue further, we will need for you to understand the following...

We (The FastCoin Foundation, and or Open Source FST Community) have no control over how you wish to spend or send your FastCoin's (FST).  Please also note, that no one to our knowledge has stolen anyting, from anyone.  Our coin, very much like Bitcoin is an open sourced iniative with NO central issueing authority or control over your coins.  A community memeber (almightyruler) from the Bitcoin talk Forum had this to say...

"Were the funds actually sent from the "FastCoin Foundation", or by an unrelated third party like an exchange? If it's the latter, there's no way for anyone to intercept or reverse your transaction as there is no central authority controlling FST. This feature underpins just about all Bitcoin-derived cryptocurrency.

At a guess, it's a large/complex transaction that isn't being accepted by miners for some reason. Perhaps the same issue that Stouse49 has been experiencing."

It is our understanding that your wallet transfer took place from one Exchange, Cryptopia to another Livecoin with no phsyical wallet in your possession.  Many things may have taken place here which could have caused your problem as community memeber "almightyruler" suggests.

We are doing our best to understand and help you with your problem, but there is no point in continuing the dialog with you if you think that someone from our open source community is delibertly trying to steal your coins.



Привіт Арію,

Дякую за вашу відповідь. Перш ніж ми зможемо продовжувати далі, нам потрібно, щоб ви зрозуміли наступне ...

Ми (Фонд FastCoin та або FST спільнота з відкритим кодом) не маємо контролю над тим, як ви хочете витратити або відправити свій FastCoin's (FST). Також зауважте, що ніхто, хто знає наші знання, нікого не вкрав. Наша монета, дуже схожа на біткойн, - це відкритий джерело, в якому ніякі центральні повноваження випускати чи контролювати ваші монети. Це було сказати співрозмовнику спільноти (альматеїлюр) з форуму Talk Bitcoin ...


"Чи були фактично відправлені кошти від Фонду FastCoin або незалежної третьої сторони, подібно до обміну? Якщо це останнє, нікому неможливо перехопити або скасувати вашу транзакцію, оскільки відсутня центральна Орган, що контролює FST. Ця функція є основою для майже всієї криптовалюти, отриманої на основі біткойн.

На мій погляд, це велика / складна транзакція, яка чомусь не приймається гірниками. Можливо, те саме питання, що стосувався "Stouse49". "[/ I]

Наше розуміння полягає в тому, що ваш переказ кошечок здійснювався з однієї біржі, Cryptopia до іншого Livecoin без фіктивного кошика у вашому розпорядженні. Тут було багато речей, які могли б спричинити вашу проблему, як належить до меморандуму громади "всемогутній тиск".

Ми робимо все можливе, щоб зрозуміти і допомогти вам у вирішенні вашої проблеми, але немає сенсу продовжувати діалог з вами, якщо ви вважаєте, що хтось з нашої спільноти з відкритим кодом сміливо намагається вкрасти ваші монети.

З повагою


Pryvit Ariyu,

Dyakuyu za vashu vidpovidʹ. Persh nizh my zmozhemo prodovzhuvaty dali, nam potribno, shchob vy zrozumily nastupne ...

My (Fond FastCoin ta abo FST spilʹnota z vidkrytym kodom) ne mayemo kontrolyu nad tym, yak vy khochete vytratyty abo vidpravyty sviy FastCoin's (FST). Takozh zauvazhte, shcho nikhto, khto znaye nashi znannya, nikoho ne vkrav. Nasha moneta, duzhe skhozha na bitkoyn, - tse vidkrytyy dzherelo, v yakomu niyaki tsentralʹni povnovazhennya vypuskaty chy kontrolyuvaty vashi monety. Tse bulo skazaty spivrozmovnyku spilʹnoty (alʹmateyilyur) z forumu Talk Bitcoin ...


"Chy buly faktychno vidpravleni koshty vid Fondu FastCoin abo nezalezhnoyi tretʹoyi storony, podibno do obminu? Yakshcho tse ostannye, nikomu nemozhlyvo perekhopyty abo skasuvaty vashu tranzaktsiyu, oskilʹky vidsutnya tsentralʹna Orhan, shcho kontrolyuye FST. Tsya funktsiya ye osnovoyu dlya mayzhe vsiyeyi kryptovalyuty, otrymanoyi na osnovi bitkoyn.

Na miy pohlyad, tse velyka / skladna tranzaktsiya, yaka chomusʹ ne pryymayetʹsya hirnykamy. Mozhlyvo, te same pytannya, shcho stosuvavsya "Stouse49". "[/ I]

Nashe rozuminnya polyahaye v tomu, shcho vash perekaz koshechok zdiysnyuvavsya z odniyeyi birzhi, Cryptopia do inshoho Livecoin bez fiktyvnoho koshyka u vashomu rozporyadzhenni. Tut bulo bahato rechey, yaki mohly b sprychynyty vashu problemu, yak nalezhytʹ do memorandumu hromady "vsemohutniy tysk".

My robymo vse mozhlyve, shchob zrozumity i dopomohty vam u vyrishenni vashoyi problemy, ale nemaye sensu prodovzhuvaty dialoh z vamy, yakshcho vy vvazhayete, shcho khtosʹ z nashoyi spilʹnoty z vidkrytym kodom smilyvo namahayetʹsya vkrasty vashi monety.

Z povahoyu


I sent the money from one wallet to the other (without making any mistakes)( ..If the money came out of one wallet FastCoin system and did not reach another wallet ...Then who has the money now ...?)
.. but it took 5 months and the money did not arrive ( FastCoin Foundation declares 12 Second Block Time) ... but you write to me that this is my problem...But this is not my problem is the problem FastCoin Foundation...
If  Foundation will transfer his problems to his partners ....Then nothing will be good
If the system crashed, I'm not guilty of it ...
Return me my FastCoins ... and then fix your mistakes
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 06:29:57 PM by ariy »

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2017, 01:33:41 PM »
I've followed the discussion and the main useful points herefor everybody are that you must:
1- avoid (and I always did avoid) to do HUUUUGE single transactions. I mean, here we're talking of sending 100k+ FST in one single transaction.... now forget their value**$**... would you do a single transaction with 100k Bitcoin?
2- avoid (and I always did avoid) to do transactions **DIRECTLY** from two different exchangers. Do Prefer EXCH1 ----> FST WALLET ----> EXCH2
3- play your games, trades etc... then store 95% of what you have into your PC wallet

That said, remember that is impossible to steal cryptocoins directly from the blockchain. The only ones who can steal (or make it disappear because of technical glitches) are the exchangers.

Never mind what they replied you from the 2 exchangers, the problem lays into either Cryptopia or Livecoin.

Offline ariy

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2017, 06:28:48 PM »
I've followed the discussion and the main useful points herefor everybody are that you must:
1- avoid (and I always did avoid) to do HUUUUGE single transactions. I mean, here we're talking of sending 100k+ FST in one single transaction.... now forget their value**$**... would you do a single transaction with 100k Bitcoin?
2- avoid (and I always did avoid) to do transactions **DIRECTLY** from two different exchangers. Do Prefer EXCH1 ----> FST WALLET ----> EXCH2
3- play your games, trades etc... then store 95% of what you have into your PC wallet

That said, remember that is impossible to steal cryptocoins directly from the blockchain. The only ones who can steal (or make it disappear because of technical glitches) are the exchangers.

Never mind what they replied you from the 2 exchangers, the problem lays into either Cryptopia or Livecoin.

1. You did not read the correspondence carefully
2. Fastcoins  was sent from one FST wallet  to another  FST wallet ,
3. The fastcoins was sent from one wallet and did not reach another wallet(And there is no difference these wallets on a computer or not ... because the reason is that there was a breakdown in the system)
4. Keeping fastcoins on wallet has many additional risks

Offline Wassopotamia

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Re: FSTcoin wrong foork?
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2017, 09:25:28 AM »
Hello. Can someone help me with my coins that can not reach the purse at the Cryptopia Exchange for more than a year ...? 

Extraction was conducted on the pool
Here are the transaction numbers about taking the Moments from the pool to the Criptopia Exchange;
1501865 FST 10000.00000000 UnConfirmed Normal d66034b0ea4c6b6ceab54d3f424b46db2cbeffdffc908f455557b3462ad8c303 0/200 3/03/2016 10:05:00 AM
1501864 FST 10000.00000000 UnConfirmed Normal 3d96e554dfb2e34bbe72144b86e7e71c3cfc525a261405f2c3616d2a47776cc3 0/200 3/03/2016 10:04:00 AM
1501863 FST 10000.00000000 UnConfirmed Normal f5e903dfb0fa7a10b1aa70543a19881a2ccc2ce64b5381b9ae07fcd141b3e5b3 0/200 3/03/2016 10:03:00 AM
1503414 FST 2288.19000000 Confirmed Normal e0f8920a4dcec3b5eb774f1478ad1f039ff951ede2d83245d252c6f74fe734d7 9/200 4/03/2016 12:33:00 AM
1503413 FST 10000.00000000 UnConfirmed Normal 555b6e1517d0cd6dabc33c11d701319a66de68198487a401bff18fb8fbc6b182 0/200 4/03/2016 12:32:00 AM
1501870 FST 1002.09000000 Confirmed Normal 966fb1f5b08eab1bad4dbdb97ec0910ba938ed83be842836690f905737bd952c 200/200 3/03/2016 11:07:00 AM
1501869 FST 1115.31065116 Confirmed Normal 39a57152e390ed0d16a897f2d588e8a7cffc89866ed817b86d87105dbb38825c 200/200 3/03/2016 10:32:00 AM
1501868 FST 8820.71070926 UnConfirmed Normal 07b65e29fcbd1d82df543c4f65919275547505b933f893e7afce7d2302223e29 0/200 3/03/2016 10:08:00 AM
1501867 FST 10000.00000000 UnConfirmed Normal 9fe772a4cf67dd412b35ddfbff5a589174a228845ab15db7e729c39bd947699d 0/200 3/03/2016 10:07:00 AM
1501866 FST 10000.00000000 UnConfirmed Normal aa60f7640f1c1f5838051c4cafd411aa9063aa6985e9197e2c16f315551b23fc 0/200 3/03/2016 10:05:00 AM
Waiting for an answer...

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2017, 04:12:39 PM »
I have some coins also that didn't reach cryptopia, perhaps 100000, but I later sent them anyways and they were received.  We don't know Cryptopia works internally.  In fact Cryptopia still says I have 100000 unconfirmed in deposits, but those transaction id's are no longer in the mempool of fastcoin.

How did I fix my problem?
I upgraded to the latest wallet on my PC ( and then I reset my wallet with -zapwallettxes (from the command line) this wiped out all of the transactions in my wallet (including the ones that got stuck at cryptopia or other addresses).  This restored my balance.  In my case this process took 4 days to do because of the size of the fastcoin blockchain and my wallet.dat had 300,000 deposits in 6000 addresses.

Another point is important:  Don't send large amounts such that the transaction size is above 10,000 bytes.  You can use coin control features of the client and determine the transaction size is bytes.  If a transaction is over 10,000 bytes, then it will take longer to confirm, perhaps very long.  If a transaction is larger than 100,000 bytes, it will never confirm as that size is too large to be accepted by the network.

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2017, 09:05:20 AM »
This for generale purpouse. I paste what below in case of STUCK transactions.
All below is refered to BITCOIN. I wonder if experts (not me) can find a way to do the same on FASTCOIN.
After You’ve Sent It

If you’ve already sent a transaction and it gets stuck, that transaction can, in some cases, be made to “jump the queue.”

Opt-in Replace-by-fee

The easiest way to make your transaction jump the queue is using an option called Opt-In Replace-by-Fee (Opt-In RBF). This lets you re-send the same transaction, but with a higher fee.

In most cases, when the same transaction is re-sent over the network, but with a higher fee, the new transaction is rejected by the network. Bitcoin nodes typically consider this new transaction a double spend, and will therefore not accept or relay it.

But when sending a transaction using Opt-In RBF, you essentially tell the network you may re-send that same transaction later on, but with a higher fee. As a result, most Bitcoin nodes will accept the new transaction in favor of the older one; allowing the new transaction to jump the queue.

Whether your new transaction will be included in the very next block does depend on which miner mines that next block: not all miners support Opt-In RBF. However, enough miners support the option to, in all likelihood, have your transaction included in one of the next couple blocks.

Opt-In RBF is currently supported by two wallets: Electrum and GreenAddress. Depending on the wallet, you may need to enable Opt-In RBF in the settings menu before you send the (first) transaction.

Child Pays for Parent

If your wallet does not support Opt-In RBF, things get a bit more complex.

Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) may do the trick. Applying CPFP, miners don’t necessarily pick the transactions that include the most fees, but instead pick a set of transactions that include most combined fees.

Without getting into too many technical details, most outgoing transactions do not only send bitcoins to the receiver, but they also send “change” back to you. You can spend this change in a next transaction.

Some wallets let you spend this change even while it is still unconfirmed, so you can send this change to yourself in a new transaction. This time, make sure to include a high enough fee to compensate for the original low fee transaction. A miner should pick up the whole set of transactions and confirm them all at once.

If your wallet does not let you select which bitcoins to spend exactly — meaning you cannot specifically spend the unconfirmed change — you can try spending allfunds in the wallet to yourself; this should include the change.

Like Opt-In RBF, not all miners currently support CPFP. But enough of them do to probably have your transaction confirmed in one of the next blocks.


If neither Opt-In RBF nor CPFP are an option, you can technically still try and transmit the original transaction with a higher fee. This is typically referred to as “full replace-by-fee,” which some miners accept. However, publicly available wallets currently do not support this as an option.

Otherwise, you may just have to wait either until the transaction confirms or until the bitcoins reappear in your wallet. It’s important to note that until a transaction confirms, the bitcoins are technically still in your wallet — it’s just that it often doesn’t appear that way. The bitcoins are not literally “stuck” on the network and cannot get lost.

As the Receiver

Of course, a transaction can also get stuck if you’re on the receiving end of it.

If your wallet allows spending unconfirmed transactions, this can be solved with CPFP as well. Much like as mentioned before, you can re-spend the unconfirmed, incoming bitcoins to yourself, including a fee high enough to compensate for the initial low fee transaction. If the new fee is sufficient, the transaction should typically confirm within a couple of blocks.

The only other option is to ask the sender whether he used Opt-In RBF. If so, he can re-send the transaction with a higher fee.

The post What to Do if Your Bitcoin Transaction Gets « Stuck » appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine.

Offline Wassopotamia

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Re: Stole 134,781.93297886 FST
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2017, 05:50:30 PM »
I have some coins also that didn't reach cryptopia, perhaps 100000, but I later sent them anyways and they were received.  We don't know Cryptopia works internally.  In fact Cryptopia still says I have 100000 unconfirmed in deposits, but those transaction id's are no longer in the mempool of fastcoin.

How did I fix my problem?
I upgraded to the latest wallet on my PC ( and then I reset my wallet with -zapwallettxes (from the command line) this wiped out all of the transactions in my wallet (including the ones that got stuck at cryptopia or other addresses).  This restored my balance.  In my case this process took 4 days to do because of the size of the fastcoin blockchain and my wallet.dat had 300,000 deposits in 6000 addresses.

Another point is important:  Don't send large amounts such that the transaction size is above 10,000 bytes.  You can use coin control features of the client and determine the transaction size is bytes.  If a transaction is over 10,000 bytes, then it will take longer to confirm, perhaps very long.  If a transaction is larger than 100,000 bytes, it will never confirm as that size is too large to be accepted by the network.

I could do so if I sent coins myself .. but I did not do it.
I got these coins from the mine, and then they sent them to my wallet on the stock exchange, so they got lost. Have not yet reached.
But thanks for the advice ...